Sunday, July 7, 2013

Liberty Country Club News and Views Vol. 1-8

  • Upcoming Events:

Friday, July 12th        Ping Van    4 to 8 pm
Saturday, July 13th    Troy Gulley Memorial  1:30 shotgun
Sunday, July 14th       Vets and Fraternal Challenge (Rain Date) 1:30 shotgun
Thursday, July 18th    Camden Day
Friday, July 19th        Eastern Indiana Junior  11:00 am tee times
Saturday, July 20th    Indiana Elite Baseball fundraiser   1:30 shotgun
Saturday, July 27th    Antrim golf Classic   1:30 shotgun
Sunday, July 28th      3 man Scramble  1:30 shotgun

  •  2013 Club Champions

Congratulations to our 2013 club champions:

Men's                                                     Women's
Club Champion     A.J. Walton                Club Champion        Maureen Miller
A-Flight                Jr Via                          A - Flight                Bonnie Raisch
B - Flight              Mike Morgan
C- Flight               Jeff Powell
D - Flight              Barry McClain

Senior Champion   Larry Frasur


  • PING Van Returns to Liberty Friday, July 12th  4 to 8 pm

The PING fitting van will be traveling through Liberty on Friday evening July 12th. Come out to the course to be fit by folks who do it everyday with the latest in technological equipment. We will also be offering our best prices on equipment purchases that night only.

  • Family Friendly Friday Nights now with Free Golf Tips

Members and their guests are encouraged to take advantage of our offerings Friday evenings after 5 pm.
  • $5.00 per Cart Family Cart fee for all you can play
  • $13.00 guest green fees
  • A new addition to our Friday evening offerings:  From 5 to 7 pm Friday evenings teaching professional Jeff Lancaster will be giving free 5 minute golf tips to members with the purchase of a bucket of range balls. Please understand this is meant to be a golf tip, not a lesson, however Jeff or John Gordon will be happy to schedule a full lesson with you.
The bargain member cart and guest green fee rates are also available after 5 pm on Sundays.

  • Sketchy Golf Injuries and How to Sidestep Them

Posted on 25. Jun, 2013 by in beginners, Golf Injuries
Golf is often viewed as a sport that’s free of injury risk. Sadly it’s a myth. Golf presents many physical challenges and the fact that they go unnoticed makes it even more hazardous to the body. We all know that injuries can’t be 100% prevented, but there are certain ways to give yourself the best chance at staying healthy if you’re frequenting the golf course.
Strikingly common golf injuries are listed below, along with specific ways to work towards the prevention of them.

Knee injuries

Knee injuries can hamper most athletes, regardless of sport. Golf is no exception and the knee is much more prone to damage while playing than most players understand. For one, those that walk 18-holes frequently understand that the distance can be taxing physically. While the impact that golf has on the knees from a walking standpoint is low-impact, the weight and pressure is accentuated by the weight of the bag and the fluctuating terrain.
Golf also creates unnatural pressure on the knee during the swing. The leading knee is under a lot of lateral and vertical stress during each and every swing. For those with inconsistent swings or rampant foot slippage, this danger can quickly become worsened.

Advice: Your knees allow the rest of your golf game to come together, along with get you physically through the course if you’re walking. Take care of them by limiting bag weight and also wearing shoes that will diminish slippage potential on hard swings. Quality shoes made exclusively for golf can limit the stress on your legs, and knees in particular. Stretching before walking up to the first tee box is also a must.

Shoulder injuries

Any repetitive motion that puts awkward pressure on the upper body can harm someone’s shoulders. The golf swing can be detrimental to shoulder health for a number of reasons. Firstly, when people flub a shot and tear through the ground before coming in contact with the ball, there is some serious impact going on in the shoulder joint. The fluid swing interrupted abruptly by the ground is cause for concern, especially if it’s happening frequently.
Additionally, the constant swinging motion can be a risk to players of any caliber, specifically those that swing forcefully on each tee box. If someone has ever had surgery to fix a torn labrum or rotator cuff, the red flags are more significant for shoulder injury in golf.
Advice: Your shoulders are naturally meant to do certain activities. Swinging a club incredibly hard 80 times during a round of golf (if you’re playing pretty well!) isn’t one of those activities. Be careful and be conscientious of your swing mechanics. More uniform and consistent swings with low-torque follow through are ideal.

Back injuries

Golf, due to the posture requirements and incredible torque applied throughout a round, can increase the risk of back issues for players. The lower back is the prime area that many golfers identify as the most oft-injured area. The amount of pressure put on the lower back during and after a swing is enhanced by the repetitive nature of the game. It’s important to understand that your back is not only central to golf success, but it’s also an area utilized throughout every facet of the game. Whether you’re bending over for a put or following through on a powerful drive, your back is being utilized. Be careful with it.

Advice: Injuries to the back can affect not only your golf game, but your daily routine. It’s critical to perform exercises that increase range of motion and strength in your lower back. It can work wonders for you in preventing injury.
Golf can surely be a casual day under the sun, but it doesn’t mean the sport is free from any chance of injury. It’s important to avoid overlooking this reality because the unexpectedness is a main reason that so many golfers get hurt participating. Keep it in mind and you’ll be fine.
Scott McCormick can drive a ball but he can’t chip to save his life. When he’s not wondering why that’s the case he writes for Golf Now Indianapolis about discount golf.

  • From the USGA Green Section Agronomists 



There is a period during the summer months when food consumption (respiration) exceeds food
production (photosynthesis). It is during this time that putting greens are most susceptible to
other climatic stresses and disease.

It is a fair question and one that is asked by many golfers as summer temperatures
rise. Probably since the first bentgrass greens were planted, golf course
superintendents have found that mowing the greens a little higher in the summer
helped the grass better tolerate the combined stress of summer play and high
temperatures. The trade-off is that mowing higher often results in slower greens.
Amazingly, while superintendents and scientists have long agreed that the practice
worked, until just a few years ago no one was sure why. Here is a very simplified
explanation that golfers and superintendents should keep in mind as the summer
wears on.

There are two very important processes turfgrass plants must perform to function.
Photosynthesis is the process of converting light into energy. Respiration is the
process of utilizing energy for growth. Normally, photosynthesis produces enough
energy to meet all of the plant’s needs, but during the high temperatures of
summer the plant can actually use more energy than is being produced. This
simple equation is not unlike your bank account. If you spend more than you make,
eventually you will go broke. In the plant’s case, if the plant uses more energy than
it can produce for too long a time period, the plant will die.

So let’s get back to why your greens are slower in the summer. Cutting the greens
higher results in longer leaves. Longer leaves gather more light, which increases
photosynthetic activity. This results in more energy being produced and keeps the
plant from “going broke.” Unfortunately, the longer leaves also result in slightly
slower greens.

By tolerating slightly slower greens you greatly help your bentgrass greens
get through the summer months.

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